Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok are the most popular social media platforms today and are especially great for businesses to drive traffic to where they want. They do, however, all have the same drawback. These platforms only allow users to add one link into their bio. Linktree provides the perfect solution. It allows users to guide their audience to a specific website and advance their call to action
What is Linktree?
Linktree is an easy-to-use platform that allows users to create a simple and customizable landing page. This page can display multiple links that you might want to share with your followers, and all you need to do to share it is copy your personal page link and paste it into your social media bios.
How to Use It
Linktree, as previously mentioned, is extremely easy to use. You first need to create a free account and sign up. Then all you have to do is start adding your links. Depending on if you decide to get a subscription to LinktreePro or use the free version, you can customize your page to have various aesthetics.
Basic Features
Regardless of subscription choice, everyone is able to label their page and add a bio description that will appear on their page. You are also able to add a support banner to show your support for an important cause.
Linktree and Your Other Platforms
Another useful Linktree feature is the ability to add links to your email, social media profiles, and more as icons on your personal page. This allows you to add links to your other platforms, increasing your social media visibility, without overshadowing the main links you are trying to highlight with the landing page. You can have 27 different linked icons on your page, and determine if you want the icons at the top or bottom of the page.
And, it gets even better! LinktreePro allows you to look at the click data on your social media icons with analytics.
Other Benefits
Using Linktree has been found to be beneficial for Instagram as viewers end up viewing more of your content when you use Linktree, than without. Having a centralized and simple landing page with multiple links makes viewers curious and encourages them to click on several of the links. This improves your overall exposure, traffic, and if you use the platform for business purposes, can bring you additional revenue.
Your website ranking can also be improved with Linktree as the platform has a positive domain reputation and is known as a trusted website. Because of this, your linked site would also be seen as trustworthy and can improve your search engine ranking. With the Pro subscription, you would be able to optimize your SEO even more, as the Pro allows you to adjust descriptions, meta descriptions, titles, and keywords. Furthermore, with Pro, you can customize the landing page to match the rest of your brand.
Overall, Linktree is an extremely powerful tool when used correctly, and can improve not only your overall social media presence, but also your website traffic, overall sales, and general visibility as a brand. The platform is easy to use, can be integrated with many platforms, and can integrate your other accounts into one central location. Linktree provides the perfect solution for the one-link-only problem that the most popular social media platforms have, and acts as so much more.